I spent the weekend with a quality group of guys. The 4 days I spent with these guys were a highlight of my year so far. Yeah, I came home with windchapped lips and a liquid stitched up head, (see photo below of my bloodiness)I also came back rejuvenated and relaxed. This weekend was a weekend to celebrate our friend Eric, a time to bond with him and to get him ready for a future of marriage. But on a lighter note, it was a perfect time to just be men. Ride on jetskis,hike up waterfalls,get towed into dangerous boat situations, drink beer, tell stories, sleep on the ground, wrestle in sharp pine needles and just risk your life time and time again.
Here are some of the highlights for me, and of course some pictures so you can live vicariously.
1. Hitting 55 MPH on the brand new Waverunners, launching off of wakes and learning a few tricks.
2. Being the 1st of about 1200 successful tube to tube transfers.
3. Drinking iced beers on the deck after a hard day of hiking and wearing out muscles on the tubes.
4.Not Burning
5. The Hike. All of us(I think 15 or 16 guys) hiked up and through an icy waterfall. Each of us used up at least 3 lives apiece. We survived.
6. Eating. We ate well. Eric's madre made sure before she sent us off that meals would be tasty. Thanks Mary!
7. Getting to know the guys. Jontiel is legit, love Vern, and all the others I bonded with. Dennis Eric's Dad is slick too!
8. Feats of Strength
to be continued as I remember more....
9. WakeSurfing... or trying to... Danny Simon ripped it up!!
For now, here are some slick pictures...

This is what happens when a tube with 4 guys on it crashes... someone gets bloody. I was the injury of the trip. Thank God it wasn't too intense. (photo Evan Trine)

I think Eric had a good time. I'm looking forward to the big wedding day! I'm honored that I was invited on this trip, especially because I'll be standing on Heather's side! I'm still trying to figure out what I'm called...Bridesman? The Bridesmanmaid? Regardless of what its called, I'm honored on both sides.
Cheers Eric to coming up with such quality friends.
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