I must admit, I have a small crush on this singer, shes talented, shes cute, and shes not that nice... perfect crush material right?
When I listen to her music, I get in some sort of zone. Esthero has such a good mix between relaxed melodies and car shaking beats. She mixes classic instruments into her fatter hip hop tracks. Talented woman right here!
Heres the Wikipedia info on her:
Esthero (born Jenny-Bea Englishman, December 23, 1978 in Stratford, Ontario) is a Canadian singer-songwriter who hails originally from Toronto, Ontario, but has recently moved to Los Angeles. The name Esthero, pronounced [ɛsˈtɛroʊ] es-TAIR-oh, refers both to the singer and formerly to the two-person team of herself and producer, Doc. She claims to have gotten the name from an old film character named Esther, whose last line in a movie (The Bell Jar, based on the Sylvia Plath novel of the same name) is, "If I am to be the hero, then I cannot fly from darkness."
Esthero's sound characteristically features her voice over a mix of mellow bass lines, jazzy trumpets, Spanish guitar and hip-hop. She is sometimes compared to artists Björk, Portishead and Sade . Later artists who count Esthero among their influences include Res, Fergie and fellow Canadian Nelly Furtado.-Wikipedia
Extreme singing skills, an attitude of "I really don't give a $#i##" her latest Album titled "Wikked Lil' Grrrls" is AMAZING! Go buy it on iTunes, its a must have!
I hope to see her go far, but to keep her grass root appeal. Oh that will be tough on this one. I've heard rumor that she drinks a full bottle of Jager everytime she preforms. That can't be good for you, put down the bottle and be with us 10 more years Esthero!

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