Monday, November 03, 2008

Let the Issues be the Issue

Obama and McCain switched skin tones???

This is trippy.
I'm sure you read my recent post about how race is effecting this race,so to speak.
Well, I found this on and it just made me laugh.
The elections are tomorrow, which means your vote is due tomorrow at 8pm.
The biggest election I've ever seen, read about, been apart of or contributed to... the journey for who will be our next president is just about over... But the journey of bringing our country back to the top has just begun.
See you at the Polls.

1 comment:

Moorea Seal said...

i stumbled across your blog through adam sjoberg's blog and laughed a bit when i see that you have read the same coolhunter article as me. i love that illustration of the candidates.
you have some great photos!