Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman Dies at 83

Paul Newman died today at age 83. What an amazing career this man had.
I can't wait to tell my kids that I had the chance to meet him and took it.
When I was mater 'D at "Bigg's" Paul and a group of people came in. I sat them, talked to the group for a minute or so, talke3d to Paul about "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and then ask him what he would liek to drink... I brought him a lager beer. When he was leaving, he made sure to come over and shake my hand and tell me to "Keep up the good work kid" Those are the last words he ever spoke to me.

Anyways, go rent his movies. Cool Hand Luke is my next film to see.

We'll miss you Butch Cassidy AKA Paul Newman.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is one of my favorite films ever!

Keep making films in Heaven Paul.

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