Feb 1 – Part Dos (or 2) “stickball”
That medical tape I brought has once again proven its worth (maybe even its weight in Gold?) First the pen(for journaling), now for béisbol! I was watching some older boys (14-20) Play Stickball in an empty lot. After about 15 minutes of watching, their ball got stuck/lost in a nearby tree. After a few moments, I remembered the tape in my pocket. I pulled it out and to their excitement offered to make a new ball. They asked ¿Cuánto? (how much?) I denied payment & I was immediately thrown into the outfield(which felt much like a small field of pavement littered with random divots and health hazards, I guess you can thank Fidel for free healthcare, although it may not be worth it) (see playing field in image above). I played w/ them nearly 2 hours. I’m sore. Between innings I would do pull ups called (barro) in espanol…or something like that, I asked a small child that was watching me "¿Cómo se dice pull-ups?" I asked him as I pulled up another. He replied "Barro"...but I really find it hard to believe...I'll look it up online when I get back to the states.
Anyways, I hit 3 huge hits that sent the ball over a building each time. Only one the team called a homerun, even though the others were good on regulation… then again that was my first time playing stickball. I liked it mucho gusto? I’m off to go get dinner… maybe meet up w/ those pseudo flirters HAHA. I need to hear some musico and have another mojito! Adios for now!
I didn't bring my camera to the alley to play, but I'll dig in my archive for an image of the place I joined a team to play.

I'm getting more and more tan each day. This Cuban sun is hotter then most. I'm enjoying it, especially mixed with exhaust and a warm breeze coming from florida.
Writers NOTE: This is a journal excerpt from my trip to Cuba a little more then a week ago. I am currently in my LA Studio.
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