Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Shot of the Week (Kristen Kassinger)

She's taken over my blog the last few weeks due to our recent photoshoot. Kristen now has a "Shot of the Week" on my blog... so her career is MADE! haha... if only it were like that... I'd have alot more how do you say it? Oh yeah "Friends" Plus alot more "CASH"...but no... this is just for my own satisfaction, so I can convince myself that I can take a decent picture once in awhile.

I'll be considering her in my next big project...but I'm not leaking any clues just yet!

I love this shot, taken with my Canon 5D with the 85mm 1.2 lens. The warm light behind her, the hat, the style, it just reminds me of a day at the beach... thats why its my favorite shot this week.

Alright, I'm sore from working out, I'm tired from editing pictures: I'm off to sleep!


P.S. I just realized I'm into Hats...big hats... my last 2 "Shots of the week" have been taken with my model wearing a large hat! Crazy!!!

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