Wanna know whats HOT?
My new shoes.
I love um.
Gotta love the metallic.
I'll fill you in as I get requests to appear at parties wearing these new kicks and get paid... no, not like a stripper graham, geeez.
Thought for the day:
Obama is still workin it. No worries.
sweeeet shoes!
Hey! Just started reading your blog.. and I love your pictures! What camera do you use?
Hey Anonymous, I shoot the majority of my pictures with my trusty Canon 5D. (12.8 MP camera) I shoot with a different assortment of lenses, all of which are Canon as well.
I also have a Leica D-Lux 3 "point and shoot" camera... its my on the fly tool of choice. (takes excellent videos too!) Thanks for reading!
A little too ghetto.
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