First Night Sunset
Its tropical here.
Pictures turn out better.
I'm getting tan.
Fun people (Eddie,margo,Bruce and Mike are great!)
Here are a few images from yesterday.
I'll post some from our road trip today if you care.
They're flying back to the states tomorrow. At that point I will be heading to Mexico City and hopefully beyond.
Try to keep you posted... specially my Audrey still in the LongBeach rain.

Eddie on the boat inside a cave.

Not sure what I was talking about here.

These fish were feisty and would often nibble...not a highlight getting bit on the fingers by these little colorful fish.

I went in anyways.

Happy hour is always happier with a little mariachi(even if the accordion player belonged in a tone deft club)

Amazing sunset last night!!
Alright, I'lll post some from today when I get a chance! I have to go eat dinner!!!
Cheers friends in the rain!
Come join me, I'll be in Mexico City tomorrow night, I'd be ore then happy to share a flat...unless your like those nibbling fish!
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