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According to the City of Long Beach 2007 Homeless count, there are 3,829 homeless people living in Long Beach. 2,150 are living on the streets, 358 are children.
Lets feed the Homeless!
Heres the skinny.
We all bring different items to contribute to a sack lunch (enough to put in 40-50 lunches).
Meet at 10am (Assembly crew) to put sandwiches and sack lunches together.
Meet at 11:30am (Bicycle Delivery Crew)
Ride around mapped locations meeting homeless people and giving them a really tasty lunch... maybe sit down have lunch with one... why not, the sandwiches were tasty last time!
Please join us, we'd love to have you!
Don't pull the "I can't come, I'll be at church" card, thats pretty much the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of... Thats when church becomes a building and you a slave.
Last months "BBB" was a great success! We fed around 150 homeless people in the Downtown Long Beach area.
We were on our bikes for like 3 hours though... so this time we want to do it differently... more efficiently.
What we need
(each person please bring enough to feed 40-50 people/ we need 3 people per item). (# in parentheses is how many more people need to contribute for each item.)
-bologna or salami (3)=150 slices
-cheese (3) =150 Slices
-bread (3) =300 slices
-fruit (oranges or apples) (3) =150 pieces of fruit
-chips (small bags please) (1) =50 bags
-granola bars (2) =100 bars
-water!! (2) =100 bottles
**in order to have enough food, we need at least 20 people who are committed to bringing at least one of these items. check back daily for updates on what we still need .
i love that you guys do this. i wonder if something like this could be take place in san jose... since it's such a spread out city. i guess we'll just have to figure it out.
Hey Jon! Yeah man, do it in San Jose, lets spread this mission around!
Like your blog by the way... your music Enigk, as well as Feist is amazing! I need some tips on putting things on the side of my blog.
Talk to you soon.
Hey Samuel,
I was searching online for homeless shelters in Long Beach as a way to volunteer and I came across your blog about bodies, bicycles and backpacks. I absolutely want to get involved the next time you do this, and I hope that next time is soon. Maybe for Thanksgiving? Will you keep me on your mailing list for this?
Sam love your blog. Great pictures. I would love to help with your cause. I can gather some friends up and help you out. Drop me an email. Peace
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