Heres my update... I'll blog more if I have anytime tonight.

•I'm home from Warm beach, I was there 6 days. Shot a wedding (Isaac and Laurel's) met my new Nephew, Kaden. I Rode Josiah's dirt bike, went swimming for 7 mintues, played ultimate frisbee, ate good food, met up w/old friends! Justin, Ciara, Trina,Roger,Nathan, Damara, Zach,Coloray, Jenna,Kari, Matt, and all of my family! Got really sick (70 hour headache/flu/sore throat/lametown soreness everywhere!)
My favorite shot of the trip.

• I worked my self hard much studio stuff to catch up on.
•Ira's home from Africa...tons of beautiful stories told by images...check his website soon.
• I got my delivery of 5 bracelets from "Invisible Children" "Black is for Sunday" (don't shower with it...they bleed.)
•I have these events to Edit...(incase you or someone you wanna know is waiting on one of these)
... 1.Garrisi Wedding
2. Rock N' Reconstruct Shoot part A & B.
3. Majella and Nhien's engagement shoot.
4. Christy and Mark's Engagement shoot.
5. Christy's fashion/sexy as really sexy boots shoot.
6. Isaac and Laurel's wedding.
• I'm Hungry.
• My studio is toasty hot.
•I'm really bummed about the bridge falling... so lame. at least 79 people were injured... death count is still rising... so sad.

(pictures taken from today's